We are a group of volunteers dedicated to the creation of sustainable cricket programs in Regina, SK. We hope to establish year-round Cricket programs for all kids between the ages of 6 and 15 through our local community centers and community associations. Our goal is to make cricket fun, accessible and affordable to every kid in the city of Regina, SK. We are a member of the Saskatchewan Cricket Association.
Regina Cricket Association's vision is to constantly strive to excel in developing, organizing and promoting the game of cricket and its infrastructure in Regina. Toward this end, the body of dedicated professionals that encompasses RCA, is engaged in utilizing all the resources at their command so that Regina will be a force to reckon with where cricket is concerned. RCA constantly endeavors to make cricket healthy, competitive and safe - a wholesome experience that everyone can enjoy and cherish. Thanks to the effort and high degree of professionalism of all at RCA, cricket in Regina now promises to grow in leaps and bounds and the administrators of the game are up to the challenge of maintaining the integrity of its commitment to it.